Sunday, 14 October 2018

Same, but Choose

If I were God I'd change the world 
If I were the devil I'd keep it the same
Same time same station
Same old boys club
Club a baby seal
Club girls are easy prey
Prey just to make it today
Prey hide or run
Run through the jungle
Run down run around Sue
Sue if the victim wants to be on trial
Sue Storm's super smart but invisible
Invisible at promotion time
Invisible scars every woman has some
Some men tell you stay in your place
Some men tell you what to think
Think a nice guy won't try
Think before you leave alone to go home
Home is where you go to be safe
Home can be a trap too
Too little too late
Too legit to quit
Quit your playing around
Quit your wicked ways 
Ways and means statute
Ways that used to work work no more
No more excuses
No more place to hide
Hide behind the office 
Hide behind the church 
Church is supposed to be sanctuary
Church breeds and covers for abusers
Abusers that smile and shake hands
Abusers that think that think it's their right
Right wing policies promote patriarchy 
Right now let's start
Start to speak out
Start to respect start to recognize
Recognize the patterns
Recognize the danger 
Danger danger Will Robinson
Danger mice danger men
Men that don't see the toxicity of humor
Men have done harm but not all
All men lust objectify and want to
All men every day have to try to choose 
Choose not to act to speak to think like men
Choose to be honest to be real


  1. Bravo! This NEEDS to be said.

  2. You, sir, are a champion this day. Thank you for speaking to men who need to man up.
