Try Even When You Fall
The daily prompt: sweet, candy, sugar--the things that sweeten your life/make you happy.
The form: 'tri-fall' 18 stanzas. A-B-C rhyme scheme. 6/3/8 very hard to corral the words.
Vocabulary: Carp(not the fish) to complain. Cleave-(old Eng./bible) to cling to faithfully.
Reave-to take as spoils. Scarp-escarpment-slope-wall/ledge of a rampart ditch.
Indulgence is my peeve.
Not my fault!
When the sting of desire cuts sharp
There's sweets I can not leave.
An assault
On my will- left to moan and carp.
To my diet I'll cleave,
Binging halt;
But in dreams, as through a time warp
Like a pirate, I reave.
In the vault,
Enough pastry to fill a tarp.
Drink like flow from an eave.
Sweet with salt
Caramel as angels play harp.
Toast with fried bacon weave.
Milk with malt
Self control clings to a thin scarp
Drink like flow from an eave.
Sweet with salt
Caramel as angels play harp.
Toast with fried bacon weave.
Milk with malt
Self control clings to a thin scarp
"Drink like flow from an eave." I loved this line, Mark.