Down at the Crayon Box
It was the end of the day on the sketch pad fields.
Medium Blue, and his brothers Steel and Dodger
Turned up their denim collars and strode into the Box.
Razzle Dazzle Rose slinked up to them like an inchworm.
She tossed her neon carrot curls and pursed hot magenta lips.
Her hand slid down the antique brass on the bar to his arm.
"What's a timber wolf like you doing hiding in the shadow?"
She purred, checking him out with her tiger's eye.
Her touch made him shiver like a wintergreen dream.
Blush flooded his peach fuzz cheeks.
"Just came from the wild blue yonder, ma'am
Down purple mountain's majesty across a mountain meadow."
She narrowed bittersweet lids and spit out,
"Sounds like you came from outer space you mystic maroon."
She went on, "Do want a purple heart or something?"
Her porcelain cheeks turned a shocking pink.
The Atomic Tangerine he'd been drinking splashed in his lap.
Left dripping and steaming like the tropical rain forest
His face went from piggy pink to radical red.
His normally fuzzy wuzzy backbone stiffened
And became a very unmellow yellow.
A banana mania swept through his mac and cheese mind.
Energy shot through his veins like electric lime juice.
He went straight for her like a laser lemon.
Like an ape in the jungle green he spun her around.
His blizzard blue eyes drilled into her screaming green ones.
A cyan tear betrayed the hard metallic seaweed irises.
His heart melted into a pile of purple pizzazz.
Star struck desire deepened his gaze to a cosmic cobalt.
"I wanted to apologize. Beautiful women make me babble."
Like she'd been smoking magic mint, she relaxed and giggled.
Just then Jazzberry Jam, the house band
Started playing something soft, and sultry.
Sweet and warm as mango tango steps pulsed through them.
They began a dance that went all night.
Somewhere they are dancing still.
(I was uninspired until I googled crayola colors. There was a list of 133 standard colours and 6 special sets.
I scribbled down 45 interesting ones hoping to use one or two. I was able to work all of them in except asparagus.)
Wow. That was quite a feat.