Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Hunger for...

Hunger for...
(a Clerihew chain)

In a galaxy far away the gangster, Jabba the Hutt,
Chained up his princess and made her dress like a slut.
His greed looked like a ravenous pit it was so large.
His own chains strangled his soul on the party barge.

...The Brass Ring
In Middle Earth lies a twisted creature called Golem
Who would literally kill to keep his shiny gold emblem.
Soon both personalities found everyone else suspicious.
Risked fires of doom to grasp his precious. 

Beware the hazards of Boss Hogg,
His bourgeois suit, car, and cigar pumping out smog.
This false duke warped the law his coin to attain.
His handbasket's going to hell faster than a coal train.

A muppet whose zombie yoda catch phrase is, 'Cookie'
 Looks like Smurfette married a wookie.
He teaches kids to growl and demand sweeties.
Doesn't he know about adult onset diabetes?

I share a surname with a comic character, Jughead Jones.
Ice cream cones to buttered scones, he eats till he moans
Also hot dogs, hamburgers, and mounds of spaghetti.
I wish his guilty pleasure was sweet apple betty.

The star of the original hunger games, Mr. Pacman,
Ate pre-packaged meals and fruit from a can.
His Miss bought pepper to his palate, she's amazing.
Still fighting ghosts, Jr. and baby they're raising.

John the Baptist wore camel hair and ate honey and locust.
On repentance and Jesus his message was focused.
Seek the Bread of life and drink the Spirit like wine.
Chew the meat of the Word and your fruit will bloom on the vine.