Saturday, 11 October 2014

Pity the Fool.

Pity the Fool






These are the things everyone has inside.

They need to be driven out,

Or at least managed.

That is the job of a parent.

The teacher. The pastor.

Be determined, tenacious, and courageous.

Be careful! Each child is vulnerable.

Smothered in shadow or scorched in the sun,

They wither rootlessly and waste away.

Untended they grow like a weed,

Choking out the good growth.

If you don't keep a sharp eye

Birds of prey snatch innocence.

Few things again pierce a well trodden heart.

It's a high wire act.

One wrong step could be devastating.

Structure could become a prison.

Guidance could become tyranny.

Discipline could become oppression.

Let them run free range with wide open fences.

In the end it's their choice.

Demonstrate how to choose wisely.

They may or may not.

It's not your responsibility. 

It's not your fault.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for a well reasoned comment. I agree with what you're saying. I wrote this quickly. In the short time and space, I was trying to touch on many various point and balance them while weaving in the Parable of the sower and the Seed. Even a child is known by his actions, by whether his conduct is pure and right. Proverbs 20:11 Society puts the whole responsibility on parents. There are outside influences and bad choices made by the child even when the consequences are known. I am all for loving, gentle boundaries, discipline, and training, but(I cor 13) without love it's a clanging cymbal. Those who have taken these proper principles to a cruel extreme have caused a backlash that has me talking on eggshells.
