Monday, 5 October 2020

Year, END!

Year, END!!

( a blitz poem)

Fall Already I'm not ready

Fall forward spring back

Back to school but should we?

Back to work -- if you're lucky

Lucky never seemed so lonely 

Lucky to be alive 

Alive but full of fear 

Alive but bored so bored

Bored and restless no outlet

Bored and frustrated with those you love

Love in the time of cholera 

Love in the time of covid

Covid stalks us like a beast

Covid operations come to light

Light the eyes of Jack 'o lantern

Light the Autumn leaves on fire

Fire on the mountain run boys run

Fire lighting up the Hollywood sign

Sign of the times

Sign of the apocalypse 

Apocalypse now in our time 

Apocalypse with good delivery

Delivery comes in 7-8....months

Delivery room Delivery system

System of a down-- Toxicity

System designed to keep people down

Down in the gutter down in the mouth

Down the hatch down to the wire

Wire me the money 

Wire fences corral illegal children 

Children are our future

Children put your mask on go to school

School of hard knocks 

School of Rock 

Rock the vote! Stone Trump 

Rock rock never stop

Stop the insanity 

Stop the criminals, Green hornet

Hornet and Kato save the day

Hornet invasion cellophane winged death

Death came for thousands 

Death needs a vacation break

Break the bank break even

Break a leg break wind

Wind at my back I set sail

Wind push me out of 2020

2020 is almost at an end

2020 is A Kathy Bates in Misery year




  1. I feel the chaos and pain of 2020 in your poem. Thanks for sharing with us at OctPoWriMo.

  2. "Death needs a vacation break" really hit home for me.
