Saturday, 3 October 2020

Move, Roam, Free Me.

 Move. Roam. Free Me.

(The prompt: beauty in chaos. (Not the beast in peace) couldn't find a pic of a model in a tornado. We were encouraged to do free verse. I had done that on the first day before I saw the prompt written up. So I bound my self to doing both a kyrielle sonnet and an acrostic (the title) in one  poem.*Misanthrope: person who dislikes humankind and avoids human society.)

Many pieces broken shattered 

Outside like they never mattered 

Viewed through lens of a microscope

Ended up in a kaleidoscope 

Random images form a collage 

Overlapped frames of a montage

As blood from soul paint was splattered 

Mosaic peace broken shattered 

Flowing streaming tidal wave thoughts

Ranted aloud verbal ink blots

Everyone thought him misanthrope 

Ended up in a kaleidoscope 

Many pieces broken shattered 

Ended up in a kaleidoscope 

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