Saturday, 12 October 2013

Shadow Land

Shadow Land

We live in a shadow land

Ruled by the Shadow King.

His biggest lie:

'I don't exist, and neither does the Lord of Light'

His minions are hidden,

but so are angels,

And so is the war around us.

Shadow scale curtains cover the eyes,

Blinding the proud to the truth.

Part of the truth we never admit

Occurs in the shadowed recesses

behind bolted heart doors closed tight.

The Light of the World is knocking.

His coming foreshadowed the long shadow of the cross across time.

Now, don't think I'm 'holier-than -thou'.

The shadows under my eyes

have seen all that I have looked at.

Some day that movie will be replayed.

All my secret glances will be repayed.

A shadow is simply darkness without the light.

I will walk in the light as He is in the light.

The shadows melt away like a drop of Joy in dishwater.

I look forward to the eternal uncloudy day.


  1. I like the optimism that comes through here...even though it's all about shadows and that ultimate war between good and evil.

    1. Thank you. That's always been part of my character. I take a hard, honest look at life, but then put a positive spin on it.

  2. I'm a fallen Catholic agnostic, but I appreciate the beauty and power of this imagery.

    1. That is a high complement. Like some friends, 'I don't like poetry, but I like that.' I have some faith and beliefs, but I am seldom that 'preachy' in my poetry. I'm glad you don't have to agree with art to appreciate it.
