Friday, 30 October 2015

A Sensual Poem

Your prompt today is to write a poem that incorporates each of the senses (Or I guess if you want, focus in on one of them?) Free for all on the form, but go one by one with see, feel, smell, hear, and taste. Tell me a story or tell me a memory. Really put the reader into that fleeting moment of life so that in every way those words are alive. Let them be the truth of the moment.

I stole my wife's form.

I see
Good times coming
What you are not saying
Time moves I now recognize what
I see

I hear 
The coming storm
The snap and the salt of
The seascape swells it is your glance
I hear

I taste
Sweet victory
Spitting out stale defeat
Eyes on my lips your smile the light
I taste

I feel
Your feathery
Desire stir words stroking
Libido raised flesh miming how
I feel

I smell
The fire raging
The sparks fly smokey nod
Juices boiling spicy lava how
I smell

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