Thursday, 31 October 2019

Breathe Love

Breathe Love
(A butterfly shaped double Etheree)


To soar

Feels so right

To flit to roar

Rise above it all

To watch the world go by

And when danger comes to call

Disappear like a dragonfly 

Irritations like mosquitoes come

Whisper in your ear your heart try to sting 

Help is sent with wings beating as a drum

With a humming iridescent wing

Help's come and the swarm scattered

God sends his warriors to you

For to you it mattered 

When the battle's through

Dragonfly it

Take a break

Sit still



This  next  bit   is   a   true   story   friend
I   should    know   it    happened   to  me

In BC)


Just breathe

I told me

I tried and failed

Panic still attacked

Little voices buzzing

I felt alone in the crowd

At Jesus Fest (christian Woodstock)

I did not float I felt weighted down 

Are you out there, Lord, do you even care?

Oh  give me a sign show me you are here

Despite my dark clouds the sun shone on

From the edge of the crowd a flash

My eyes followed the movement

It was a dragonfly

It searched and found me

Knowledge flooded

I was worthy

Of Gods


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