(Day 05) the Journey
[Prompt] path
(Day 05) the Journey
[Prompt] path
(Day 04) Fall/Autumn
[Prompt] seasons - changes - fresh starts - Comfort in tradition - cool nights - change of direction
{Style} Phantoum (like a Cascade) repetition pattern
Summer has Fallen
Summer has Fallen and lost her light
To languidly marinate in buttery days
Shivering in the cold dark night
Raiment stained in colors ablaze
To languidly marinate in buttery days
Mother Earth displays full ripe fruits
Raiment stained in colors ablaze
Soft mounds of leaves barely cover roots
Mother Earth displays full ripe fruits
Hiding yourself cannot mask the fear
Soft mounds of leaves barely cover roots
The end of her season draweth near
Hiding yourself cannot mask the fear
Shivering in the cold dark night
The end of her season draweth near
Summer has fallen and lost her light
(Day three) contemplation
[Prompt] reflect - consider - embrace - challenge
{Style} free verse
We've had quite a time
Time to contemplate
Time to reflect
Time for contempt
Time to deflect
Consideration was also a casualty
We needed to isolate
But forgot to insulate
Our hearts from viral attack
Do you embrace your trollish side
Or blandly follow the bland
In long lines for short shots?
How does that raise red flags
Into the face of those who challenge
Everything for challenge sake
Forsaking truth for thier truth
Scientists studies mean less than a click
But formerly stupid useless government
Suddenly developed seemingly magical
Machiavellian genius agendas
Simple steps are now too terrible a burden
To care if you're killing your neighbor
When did we go
From considerate contemplation
To feel like compassionate care workers
Are overseerers on a social plantation
When did those who should be
In honor preferring one another
Leave gentle contemplation
To walk in condemnation
Living in a contempt nation
[Day 02]
{Prompt: 'explore' consider - wanderlust - travel - journey - expedition.}
<tanka: a haiku form (5-7-5 syllables) with 2 extra lines of 7 syllables each. Or Decastich: basically any 10 line poem. So I did a double Tanka (which is 10 lines)
Adore the Explorer
Once upon a time
Had no strings to tie me down
My heart free to dream
Astronaut among the stars
Cowboy on the mountain range
My wanderlust heart
Planned trips to far off places
I could not afford
Started travelling with you
We have explored together
(Every year my wife and I look forward to OctPoWriMo(a poem a day for October) with anticipation. The week before nothing was posted. No prompts. No clues. No words. The day before, no prompts, no words, no clues. The first day...nothing. My wife writes poems and stories all year and was ok taking a break. Finally on the third day some part time contributors started posting. I still can't interact with the website at all except seeing the daily posts. I'm a week behind, but stubborn cuss I am, I'm going to try all 31)
{Prompt: anticipate. Prepare. Motivate. Commit. Excitement. Resolve.}
<style> Cascade
I shiver with anticipation
When words fall like blazing leaves
I look forward to this challenge again
I usually lack some motivation
Pushing me toward participation
I shiver with anticipation
No word from the site that receives
In time too late a prompt relieves
When words fall like blazing leaves
Dusting off the rondeau and quatrain
Wrestling thoughts into forms arcane
I look forward to this challenge again